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Il Segretario Generale. Message to JCI Members Regarding Disaster in Japan From JCI Secretary General Edson A. Kodama.3/16/2011
Greetings from JCI World Headquarters.
Today the members of JCI Japan, their families and friends are enduring one of the worst natural disasters ever to strike their nation. The 8.9-magnitude earthquake that struck off the coast of northeast Japan was the largest in the country’s history and the sixth-largest earthquake ever recorded. While the degree of damage has not yet been determined, more than 300 are confirmed dead, and more than 500 remain missing. The extent of the catastrophe, however, is not measured by the force of the disaster, but rather its impact on the Japanese people. As JCI members committed to the belief that the brotherhood of man transcends the sovereignty of nations, we extend our condolences and offers of assistance to help alleviate the impact of this tragedy on our fellow members and their families. JCI Japan and its members are among the first to take action whenever JCI projects call for support. Whether when Operation Hope is activated to invest in sustainable recovery in disaster-stricken areas or when JCI Nothing But Nets raises funds to fight malaria, JCI Japan members can be counted on to respond. Today these same individuals are the ones who are most in need of our action and our sympathies. I have been in contact with several JCI Japan members and have been relieved to find that there have so far been no casualties among those with whom I made contact or their families. We all hope that this trend will continue as contact is made with more individuals and as the extent of the destruction is evaluated. On behalf of JCI World Headquarters, the JCI Board of Directors and the JCI community worldwide, I have extended prayers and best wishes to our friends of JCI Japan and their families, but I encourage all JCI members to reach out to express their sincere support for a swift recovery in Japan. While we all may be limited in the support we can provide in such a situation, we must unite to offer our assistance in any way possible. The members of JCI Japan need our help now more than ever, and the solidarity of the worldwide JCI family will illustrate our commitment to providing support. Please join me in keeping all Japanese citizens in your prayers throughout this tragic incident. Send your message of support to the JCI Japan National Secretariat. Edson A. Kodama JCI Secretary General Carissimi Componenti del Consiglio Direttivo Nazionale della Junior Chamber Italiana,
come potrete immaginare le notizie che giungono dal Giappone mi hanno scossa profondamente, come credo abbiano colpito tutti voi. Sono finalmente riuscita a mettermi in contatto con il nostro Presidente mondiale Kentaro Harada, il quale pur trovandosi nel suo Paese al momento della tragedia, sta bene. Anche la sua famiglia è in salvo, così come il Vice Presidente assegnato all'Italia, Toshi-san, oltre a Terry-San, Marc-san e molti altri amici della JCI Japan, anche se al momento non sappiamo ancora se ci siano soci JCI rimasti vittime dello Tsunami Il Presidente manda un abbraccio a tutti gli amici italiani. Lascio alla vostra discrezione la decisione di diffondere ufficialmente ai Soci e ai Senatori della JCI Italy questo mio breve messaggio, che ho ritenuto dovereso mandarvi con urgenza, nella consapevolezza di quanto il Giappone e il Presidente mondiale espresso da questo Paese siano nel cuore di molti di noi. Resto a vostra disposizione. Junioristicamente, Chiara Milani Sen. JCI #68122 2009 JCI Italy National President 2010 JCI Vice President 2011 Executive Assistant to the President for Europe Carissimi Presidenti, la presente per comunicarVi che la scadenza per la presentazione dei moduli TOYP 2011 e BBP 2011, originariamente prevista per il giorno 14 marzo 2011, è stata prorogata al 20 marzo 2011. |
Segretario Generale